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A Bittersweet Farewell 🐝

A Bittersweet Farewell 🐝

After much consideration, I've arrived at a decision that feels bittersweet to share—I've chosen to discontinue the beloved Drops of Honey Collection.  

It's a decision I never thought I'd make, as this collection holds a special place in my heart, marking the beginning of my journey as a potter.

A couple of months ago, I received unexpected news that the mine producing a vital chemical, essential for crafting the distinctive bee glaze that defines the collection, has closed down. Initially, I threw myself into the challenge of recalculating the glaze, attempting to salvage what felt like a piece of my artistic history. However, in this process, I realized I was spending more time trying to rewrite history than embracing the opportunity to birth something entirely new.

Saying goodbye to the Drops of Honey Collection feels like the end of an era for me. It was the first creation that made me believe I could truly be a potter, and for that, it will always hold a special place in my heart.

Though this unforeseen development poses a significant challenge, I am choosing to view it as an opportunity for growth and creativity. Instead of dwelling on what can no longer be, I am excited to announce that I am taking this chance to create something entirely new and inspiring.

While the Drops of Honey may soon bid us farewell, I am eager to embark on new adventures and draw inspiration from fresh sources. The evolution of this design over the years has been nothing short of incredible, and I'm immensely grateful for the joy it has brought to all our lives.

 Thank you for being a part of this journey, and I look forward to sharing some exciting new creations with you!

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